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What Is Your Psychological Maturity? HowStuffWorks

Studies typically examine only a single developmental period (e.g., middle adolescence, excluding the transition into adulthood). Furthermore, these studies often examine mean differences between cultures and not age trends (e.g., Thorell, Veleiro, Siu, & Mohammadi, 2013). In addition, apart from a few studies (e.g., Matsumoto et al., 2008; Vazsonyi & Ksinan, 2017), most cross-cultural work examines only a few countries or cultures at a time.

One outstanding question is whether previously documented differences in age patterns of cognitive capacity and psychosocial maturity are an artifact of differences in methodology. For example, whereas self-report measures tap the individual’s subjective assessment of their behavior, behavioral tasks provide a brief snapshot of behavior while controlling for context, an important consideration in cross-national studies. In the present study, we employ a measure of psychosocial maturity that is based mainly on behavioral assessments, which allows us to more directly compare its growth to a measure of cognitive capacity that is also based on behavioral assessments.

CDC’s Parent Information (Children 4 — 11 years)
This site has information to help you guide your child in leading a healthier life. My Plate- Preschoolersexternal icon
The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides information on health and nutrition for preschoolers. CDC’s Parent maturity level by age Information (Children 4−11 years)
This site has information to help you guide your child in leading a healthier life. World Health Organization information on infant nutritionexternal icon
This site has information to promote proper feeding for infants and young children.

  1. People with emotional maturity are aware of their privilege in the world and will try to take steps toward changing their behavior.
  2. Natural stages of maturity include starting as an infant and then growing into an elder.
  3. Further, consistent with Steinberg et al. (2009), who reported that adults in their late 20s evince higher psychosocial maturity than young adults (ages 18–21), we note the same pattern in eight of the eleven countries studied (the exceptions are Colombia, Jordan, and Kenya).
  4. Thus, self-regulation may develop earlier in these contexts than in Western/individualistic societies for both positive and negative affect (Lamm et al., 2017).
  5. There is a need to situate research from the brain sciences in the broader context of adolescent developmental science, and to find ways to communicate the complex relationships among biology, behavior, and context in ways that resonate with policymakers and research consumers.

The countries in this sample—China, Colombia, Cyprus, Jordan, Kenya, India, Italy, the Philippines, Sweden, Thailand, and the U.S.—are diverse geographically, economically, and culturally, including on dimensions of individualism/collectivism and indulgence/restraint (Hofstede, 2011). For example, Columbia and China rank as some of the world’s most collectivistic cultures, whereas Italy and the U.S. are some of the most individualistic. Likewise, China and India greatly value restraint, whereas Sweden and Columbia are highly indulgent (see Table 1 for details on country-level attributes and the supplemental materials for details on legal age boundaries by country). Consistent with Steinberg and colleagues (2009), we examine age differences using composite measures of psychosocial maturity and cognitive capacity. These composite variables allow us to capture multiple facets of an overarching construct (executive functions in the case of cognitive capacity and self-restraint in the case of psychosocial maturity).

Adolescent Neuropsychology: Linking Brain and Behavior

Maturity refers to the practice in which a person responds to a situation with age-appropriate behavior. The term maturity is used in a number of areas, such as financial, physical, and even spiritual; however, for this lesson, it will be discussed as a psychological term. When discussing maturity within psychology, think of it in terms of biological, social, and emotional development. What it means to be mature fluctuates between age, gender, and where a person is within their life. Natural stages of maturity include starting as an infant and then growing into an elder. Social/ emotional maturity is a direct correlation between your behavioral response to an unfavorable situation.

Adolescent Maturity and Policy in the Real World: Scientific Complexity Meets Policy Reality

Thus, although cultural norms likely influence the development and expression of self-regulation (Chen & French, 2008; Matsumoto et al. 2008), in our sample they did not do so in an easily interpretable way. Furthermore, given the relative absence of prior studies using these measures in many non-Western countries, we do not know whether cross-cultural differences in participants’ responses to elements of the test battery account for differences in their performance on various tasks. Cognitive capacity—the basic cognitive functions that serve as the foundation for higher-level, complex thinking processes—reaches adult levels during adolescence (around 16). In contrast, psychosocial maturity—one’s ability to exercise self-restraint in emotional situations—reaches adult levels during the 20s.

Adolescent Maturity and the Brain: The Promise and Pitfalls of Neuroscience Research in Adolescent Health Policy

Act Early.” Campaign
For more details on developmental milestones, warning signs of possible developmental delays, and information on how to help your child’s development, visit the “Learn the Signs. Easy-to-use, interactive web tools for children and teens to deal with thoughts and feelings in a healthy way. Be curious about your approach to others and avoid judging their behavior. Rather than snap at someone’s offensive remark, you may determine that it’s time to move on from an unhealthy friendship.

APA has filed an amicus curiae brief in those cases presenting relevant research, including Steinberg’s most recent study, to the court. Now two legal scholars offer a valuable overview of what’s known about the maturing brain, and its relevance to public policy and justice concerns. First, let’s tackle the more concrete stages of maturity, those dealing with age. Mental maturity refers to having a good understanding of who you are. Emotional maturity is concerned with managing your emotions no matter the circumstances. This means operating and navigating conflicting emotions even when they differ from your own personal principles and ideologies.

Furthermore, the cognitive or behavioral implications of a given brain image or pattern of activation are not necessarily straightforward. Researchers generally take pains to highlight the correlative nature of the relationship; however, such statements are often misinterpreted as causal [5]. Establishing a causal relationship is more complicated than it might, at first, seem. For example, there is rarely a one-to-one correspondence between a particular brain region and its discrete function; a given brain region can be involved in many cognitive processes, and many types of cognitive processes may be subserved by a particular brain structure [33]. Despite the lack of empirical evidence, there has been increasing pressure to bring adolescent brain research to bear on adolescent health-and-welfare policy.

The body changes and grows, and the primary and secondary sex characteristics develop, and the end of childhood occurs. Parents must tolerate and encourage their child’s social relationships, allowing them to do things with their peers. A baby’s reaction to any stimulus is somatic (crying, kicking) and this will allow the mother to respond to their needs while strengthening the relationship. At this stage of maturity development, the baby doesn’t distinguish between himself and the mother.

A group of psychologists argued that this apparent logical inconsistency was actually in keeping with developmental science (Steinberg, Cauffman, Woolard, Graham, & Banich, 2009). They contended that because different abilities mature along different timetables, adolescents of a given age could be adult-like in some respects but not others. Steinberg et al. (2009) argued that these patterns justify having a lower age boundary for legal decisions that allow deliberation and a higher age boundary for matters pertaining to acts typically made under emotionally arousing circumstances (Scott & Steinberg, 2008). The current study has a few limitations, some of which limit its utility as a guide for the law. First, our measures do not assess real-world behaviors or explicitly test decision-making capacities (e.g., by using decision-making vignettes), and therefore do not assess actual decision-making competence.

Finally, we outline a strategy for increasing the utility of brain science in public policy to promote adolescents’ well-being. We tested for linear, quadratic, and cubic age patterns of the cognitive capacity and psychosocial maturity composites in the sample as a whole and separately within each country. All analyses controlled for parental education and intellectual ability.

For instance, most children know that they cannot lie down in the middle of a grocery store and have a screaming fit when Mom says ”no” to a request for candy. In this stage of maturity, the infant’s needs are met exclusively by the parent or by other adults, and as such, he or she is not really expected to respond in a particular way to most situations. The following describes maturity levels by age and includes maturity examples at each stage. The description of what is maturity at each stage is referring to the biological (age) and describes the growth between each stage and how maturity can be stunted based on specific factors. Synaptic overproduction, pruning and myelination—the basic steps of neuromaturation—improve the brain’s ability to transfer information between different regions efficiently. This information integration undergirds the development of skills such as impulse control [20].

To produce meaningful decimals and avoid rounding errors, we multiplied composite values by 100. Age was centered at 10 years, and both parental education and intellectual functioning were centered at their respective means. Some argue that one must only look to the use of early-life brain science to anticipate what happens when brain science is overgeneralized [49]. In the early 1990s, there were several high-profile studies that suggested that there was rapid growth brain growth and plasticity in the first 3 years of life and, therefore, that “enriched” environments could hasten the achievement of some developmental milestones [50]. This research was used to perpetuate the idea that videos, classical music, and tailored preschool educational activities could give a child a cognitive advantage before the door of neural plasticity swung shut forever [49]. A proactive approach to research and research-to-policy translation that includes neuroscientists, adolescent health professionals, and policy makers is an important next step.

So, too, can this information inform policies that help to reinforce and perpetuate opportunities for adolescents to thrive in this stage of development, not just survive. The most prominent use of neuroscience research in adolescent social policy was the 2005 U.S. Supreme Court Case, Roper vs. Simmons, which has been described as the “Brown v. Board of Education of ‘neurolaw,”’ recalling the case that ended racial segregation in American schools [45]. In that case, 17-year-old Christopher Simmons was convicted of murdering a woman during a robbery. Simmons’ defense team argued that he did not have a specific, diagnosable brain condition, but rather that his still-developing adolescent brain made him less culpable for his crime and therefore not subject to the death penalty. As detailed above, across cultures and millennia, the teen years have been observed to be a time of dramatic changes in body and behavior.

Site coordinators and translators then modified items as appropriate. During data collection, investigators from each site attended an annual in-person meeting to resolve any questions, concerns, or obstacles, and to review study procedures. In addition, sites regularly used e-mail and Skype calls to resolve ongoing questions or issues. A central coordinating center received and checked all incoming data each week. The delineation of a specific age-boundary that separates children from adults has often resulted from practical considerations, without reference to relevant empirical and theoretical foundations (Scott, 2000). As traffic safety became a concern, states began setting a minimum driving age, typically 18 (Mayhew, Fields, & Simpson, 2000).

In contrast, facets of hot cognition, including sensation seeking (or lack thereof), impulse control, future orientation, and resistance to peer influence, follow a protracted development into adulthood. Sensation seeking, which peaks during adolescence (Steinberg et al., 2008), decreases into the early- to mid-twenties (Harden & Tucker-Drob, 2011; Shulman, Harden, Chein, & Steinberg, 2014). Similarly, relative to adults, adolescents demonstrate impaired decision making in emotionally arousing contexts, such as when being interrogated by police (e.g., Malloy, Shulman, & Cauffman, 2014). To the extent that these legal contexts become emotionally arousing as a consequence of external pressures—by friends, family, police, or the adolescent’s own lawyer—adolescents’ decision making lags behind adults’.

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